Ερευνητικές δημοσιεύσεις σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά
Fanti, K.A., Kokkinos, C.M., Voulgaridou, I., & Hadjicharalambous, M.Z., (2019). Investigating the association between Callous Unemotional traits with relational forms of aggression and victimization: A cross-national study. Review of Social Development, 28 (3). doi: 10.1111/sode.12381
Hadjichararalambous, M.Z., & Fanti, K.A. (2017). Self regulation, cognitive capacity and risk taking: Differentiating callous-unemotional adolescents with and without conduct problems. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. doi: 10.1007/s10578-017-0753-9.
Karayianni, E. Fanti, K., Diakidou, E-A., Hadjicharalambous, M.Z., & Katsimicha, E. (2017). Prevalence, contexts, and correlates of child sexual abuse in Cyprus. Child Abuse and Neglect. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.02.016
Lourdes, E., Perez, R., Fanti, K., Karveli, V. Katsimicha, E., Nicolaidis, G., Hadjicharalambous, M. Z. & Hatzinikolaou, K. (2016). Development of a screening tool enabling identification of infants and toddlers at risk for family abuse and neglect: A feasibility study from three South European countries. Child: Care, Health and Development. Doi:10.1111/cch.12416
Hatzinikolaou, K., Karveli, V., Skoubourdi, A., Zarokosta, F., Antonucci, G., Visci, G., Calheiros, M., Magalhães, E., Essau, C., Fahreen, W., Jayshree, P., Sharon, A., Ezpeleta, L., Perez-Robles, R., Fanti, K., Hadjicharalambous, M.Z., Katsimicha, E., & Nikolaidis, G. (2016). Using the Parent-Infant Relationship Global Assessment Scale (PIR-GAS) to identify caregiver – infant/toddler dyads with abusive relationship patterns in six European countries”. Infant Mental Health Journal, 37 (4), 335-355.
Fanti, K., Kimonis, E., Hadjicharalambous, M.Z., & Steinberg, L. (2016). Do neurocognitive deficits in decision making differentiate conduct disorder subtypes? European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 25 (9), 989-996.
Fanti, K., Hadjicharalambous, M.Z., & Katsimicha, E. (2013). Adolescent callous-unemotional traits mediate the
association between conduct problems and media violence exposure. Societies, 3 (3), 298-315.
Χατζηχαραλάμπους, Μ.Ζ., Κατσιμίχα, Ε., & Φάντη, Κ. (2015). Εγχειρίδιο χρήσης του εργαλείου INTOVIAN για την ανίχνευση οικογενειών με βρέφη και νήπια σε πιθανό κίνδυνο για κακοποίηση – παραμέληση. Λευκωσία, Κύπρος, Εργαστήριο Αναπτυξιακής Ψυχοπαθολογίας, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου.
Ερευνητικές παρουσιάσεις σε συνέδρια
A multi-method assessment of mother-child interaction characteristics and their relation to different types of abuse.5-day “Panhellenic Conference for Psychological Research”, Nicosia, Cyprus.
A multi-method assessment of mother-child interaction characteristics and their relation to different types of abuse.2-day International symposium “INTOVIAN – Protecting infants and toddlers from domestic violence”, Lisbon, Portugal.
Infant and Toddler Abuse and Neglect: Types, risk factors, indicators, and the presentation of a screening tool for ages 0-3.Day-seminar “Health and Mental Health Professionals Training for Pilot Administration of Screening Tool for Families with Infants or Toddlers with Possible Risk for Abuse and Neglect”, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Stress, anxiety sensitivity, quality of life associated with health in Welfare sample and pilot intervention.27th Conference of the European Health Psychology society, Bordeaux, France.
The value of values in designing an early intervention for children with callous-unemotional (CU) traits.Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) Annual World Conference X, Washington, DC, USA.
How impulsivity and callous-unemotional traits differently predict physical Vs relational bullying.XXth International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) Conference, Luxemburg.
Investigation of the interactive relationship between parental stress and conduct problems: The role of pcychopathic traits.3rd Hellenic Conference of Developmental Psychology, Thessaloniki, Greece.
“The Life Journey”: A developmentally informed intervention to address Callous and Unemotional Traits in children and adolescents with severe Conduct Disorder.Child-Psychiatry Ward of Archbishop Makariou the 3rd Hospital, Nicosia, Cyprus.
How callous unemotional traits mediate the association between parenting practices and conduct problems or ADHD.4th Biennial Society Conference for Scientific Study of Psychopathy (SSSP), Montreal, Canada.
Psychosocial Predictors of Risky Driving Behaviour.Day-conference “Driving Behavior and the Psychology of the Cypriot Driver”, Nicosia, Cyprus.